District Deputy Grand Master Visits Sarasota Lodge No. 147 F. & A. M.

Sarasota Lodge No. 147, Free and Accepted Masons of Florida, welcomed District Deputy Grand Master Dan Van Alstine last night on behalf of the Grand Master of Masons of Florida, Most Worshipful John Westerman.

Right Worshipful Van Alstine was accompanied by his District Committeemen who spoke on matters concerning the Florida Masonic License Plate, the Masonic Home in St. Petersburg, The Florida Child ID Program, Growing Freemasonry in Florida, and other charitable activities. Right Worshipful Van Alstine congratulated Worshipful Master Ramon and his Lodge for the Excellent work they do for the community of Sarasota. The Worshipful Master of Sarasota Lodge, Ramon Hernandez-Ron, thanked all who attended the meeting and pledged his Lodge’s continued support of all Masonic charities. The Grand Master’s slogan this year is “Success Favors the Bold”. Anyone interested in Masonic activities is encouraged to visit our Sarasota 147 Events Page, Visit the District 23 Masonic Events Page, or contact us to learn how to become a Mason in Sarasota!

Sarasota Lodge was granted dispensation by the Grand Lodge of Florida on August 13, 1904. The first donation for the building fund to buy their building was given on February 6th 1945 by Brother Robert Stickney - $100! Sarasota Lodge No. 147 has been led been many prominent creators of Sarasota County including Cary B. Fish (1913), Joseph Clark (1960), and many more. They meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM at the Lodge Building at 2160 Main St in downtown Sarasota.

Sarasota Lodge No. 147

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